I haven't written in a while in my blogs. The reason? Last week I attended IAMCR (International Association for Media and Communication Research)'s 50th Conference at UNESCO in Paris.
More than 800 scholars from 150 countries participated in the Conference. I presented two papers. The first one focused on Olegario Pérez, a character conceptualized as an allegory of president Hugo Chávez in the telenovela Cosita Rica. The second paper is a reflection on the methodology I use to study the rarely explored world of telenovela production:

Both presentations were enriching experiences, thanks to the questions and comments I received. These elevated the level of my academic work and were incredibly helpful and stimulating. I return with newly charged batteries to continue my analysis of Ciudad Bendita. I also brought my suitcase filled with ideas and projects that will help me continue my academic journey as I continue understanding the telenovela genre.

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